
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Benefits of Resilience Training

 The Benefits of Resilience Training   Career,Business Resilience is an individual’s ability to bounce back after being dealt a change or challenge from life. Resilience training for Canberra or Melbourne businesses is all about giving people the skills they need to increase their overall resilience. In layman’s terms, it helps people deal better with change and challenges. Resilience training in Melbourne offers several key benefits. Typically, this form of training is carried out at an office or place of work at a manager’s request. The goal is to make the work place as a whole more efficient and productive, whilst minimising stress. The skills learned during these sessions, however, are easily carried over into the employee’s personal life. The training is carried out in group sessions, and might utilise speakers, workbooks, and activities. Some companies also utilise phone applications to keep lessons fresh in the minds of participants. Here we discuss a scant few of the m...